I found that whenever I tried to somehow open the subject of paleo/primal living, it was a failure. But when I have a chance to share how much my health has improved, I get people's full attention. Of course it doesn't happen that often, I don't like to share my private life and health issues with random folks, but if the subject gets around and it makes sense for me to make a comment, I do. Today I was talking with my boss and a nurse who came to our school to do some flu shots. The boss's daughter has a variety of health issues which are difficult to diagnose. She mentioned that some doctors thought she might have fibromyalgia, because of constant fatigue. So I said that the only thing that helped me was going paleo. Both of them got interested, but the nurse got especially interested and the evolutionary base of it all really made sense to it. She wants to google it to check it out. One by one! :) I really hope she gets interested.
I was thinking also about giving the new Robb Wolff's book (after I finish) to another of my friends, who just recently went through breast cancer operations and treatment. It looks like she recovered fully, but of course she is very health conscious - unfortunately in the main stream low-fat way. She is a smart woman, and quite interested in evolution... so I hope that would be a good way of introducing the paleo to her.
My best friend, who lives in Poland, just recently told me how much she feels better since she made some paleo changes. She's had constant health issues, for years has been fighting with too low body weight, and many painful problems, which the doctors can't even figure out. She said that since she incorporated the changes for the first time in months she stopped having horrible stomach pains. That really convinced her, and she wants to try and go 100% paleo when she gets a chance (now she is in the middle of moving apartments, with 10h long work days). I am really happy about it! At least in Poland it's easier to get really free-range eggs, raw milk and "directly from the milkmaid" products. Meat is probably as processed and stuffed with hormones like everywhere else, though.. It's good EU has pretty strict rulings and Poland has to obey.
In our local Russian store I found a real heavy cream, the kind I remember from Poland - 35% fat. It was expensive - $3.99 for 500ml, but the taste... heaven. It is thick like a sour cream, but is deliciously, naturally sweet. It has no additives whatsoever, pure cream. I think I will be getting it more often :)