With all the foods I eat I try to do my best to get best quality, organic and/or grass-fed. My budget and other limitations often stand in the way to achieve that.
MEAT: everyday something made of beef, lamb, chicken or turkey
FISH: couple times a week: sardines, macarel, tuna, salmon, tilapia...
EGGS - a lot. I can't afford to buy only free range, so I try to mix the ordinary ones with free range and Omega 3 fortified.
DAIRY: I eat butter, heavy cream (for coffee) sour cream pretty often, fat cheeses (including goat cheeses) less often.
FATS: I am for the healthy saturated fats like coconut oil (FTW), butter, avocado oil for salads, and natural fat from cooked meats.
PLANTS: vegetables - mostly spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, peppers... sometimes something more special to break the routine. There are days when I don't feel like eating any plants. Fruits - limited, mostly berries, sometimes an apple, banana or orange.
OTHER: coffee, very little nuts (I am allergic to many and I could eat a pound of macadamias at once), seeds or simple condiments.
Krill Oil, D3, Magnesium.
I don't eat/drink:
I don't go to any gym, I do everything at home. I have a small bench, four sets of dumbbels, pull up bar and a balance ball. Depending on what is going on in my life I will aim for 2 to 4 workouts per week. Mostly strength/resistance and occasional tabatas/sprints.
I do not have a car so I also walk a lot, daily, with occasional sprint to a bus :)
I try to simplify my life and limit the amount of chemicals and other modern pollutants in my life.
I cut down on cosmetics I use, very often don't do make up at all. Instead of commercial body balm I use coconut oil.
Instead of store-bought conditioners I use coconut oil, egg yolks and other natural remedies.
I don't watch tv
I try to learn all I can about human evolution, human psychology and sociology, fight racism, discrimination, and do all my best to connect with other human beings, as part of being one species. We evolved together, our fate is common and we have to learn to live with, and help each other.