Paleo Book List

Here are some of the books I've been reading that are at least somewhat related to paleo lifestyle and the science behind it.

"Good Calories Bad Calories" by Garry Taubes
(Absolutely mind blowing, recommended reading for everyone. This is the book that changed my life!)

"Pandora's Seed. The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization" by Spencer Wells

"Cro-Magnon. How the Ice Age Gave Birth to the First Modern Humans" by Brian Fagan

"Defending the Cavewoman And Other Tales of Evolutionary Neurology" by Harold Klawans, MD

"The Invisible Sex. Uncovering the True Roles of Women in Prehistory"
by J.M Adovasio, Olga Soffer, Jake Page

"Race and Reality. What Everyone Should Know About Our Biological Diversity" by Guy P. Harrison

"Survival of the Sickest" by Sharon Moalem

"Evolution's Rainbow. Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People" by Joan Roughgarden
(I haven't read that one yet, just skimmed through, but looked very good)

"The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson

"The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet" by Robb Wolff
(Just got it and am planning on reading it over the weekend!)

Some of the other recommended resources which I am planning on reading as soon as I find some time:
"The Blank Slate" by Steven Pinker
"Primal Body Primal Mind" by Nora Teresa Gedgaudas
"The Vegetarian Myth" by Lierre Keith
"Against the Grain" by Richard Manning
"The Worst Mistake in Human History" by Jared Diamond