Friday, October 1, 2010


I continue on the PSMF track. I try some variety, so I won't get bored or tired of the routine. My biggest challenge isn't hunger, it's the fact that I simply love eating. I also have difficulties with social gatherings, especially where there are people whom I don't know that well.

I generally eat only in the evening with small snack (2 boiled eggs for example) during the day. I also drink one protein shake.
Today to change the routine a bit, I mixed two hard boiled eggs with a can of water-packed sardines for brunch. I really want to include sardines more, as they are not only packed with Omega-3 like many other seafood, but also are great source of calcium and other beneficial nutrients. They are also, similarly to other small fish, much less polluted with heavy metals. Because the sardines were in water and not oil, the mixture was very dry. I decided that adding some sour cream shouldn't be that bad. Two spoons of sour cream later I had really tasty dish. I think I will make it more often to take it with me to work.

I haven't done any measurements yet, I am leaving it for Sunday. I don't see any big changes yet, but I feel good and I know I need to be patient.

In terms of supplements, I take Krill Oil in the morning, magnesium in the late afternoon and D3 (5k) every other or every three days.
I am running low on my magnesium and so I need to replenish. I found in Trader Joe's magnesium together with calcium and zinc. Isn't that wrong? I think calcium negates the magnesium, that it prevents its proper absorption? I am also conflicted on the kind of magnesium that's best for the body. The one I had till now is "oxidate" which I thought was the best form, but recently I read somewhere that oxide is useless. I am really confused and have to make some research.

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